Northeast Baptist is a friendly church that is active in our community. We would love for you to join us. Our ministries continue to grow!

(Women's Missionary Union)
Every Wednesday morning at 10 a.m., all ladies are welcome to join us for study and prayer.
On the 1st Wednesday of the month, we have mission and prayer time. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, we have our Bible study.
We are currently studying the book of Daniel.
Other ministries that we support are missions in the community and care of church family.

Sunday School
Sunday School meets at 9:45 am every Sunday at Northeast Baptist Church. We offer Sunday School classes for all ages: 3-5 yrs.; 1st-3rd gr., 4-5 gr., 6-8 gr., high school, college and 2 adult classes. A nursery is also available. ​

Choir &
Praise Team
Choir practice is every Sunday evening at 5 p.m.
Praise Team meets every Wednesday evening at 5:15 p.m.

Wednesday Night Fellowship & Study
On Wednesdays, we enjoy an informal meal (volunteer donation) with our pastoral study. Currently, we are studying David: A Man After God's Own Heart.
Our children and youth are included in our meal and study.